
traffice police

13:41 Aug 4 2013 Демир Капија

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Demir Kapija

A1VBKZWF/ Didnt know I can report this up until now. 5 of May upon our return from Greece, was stopped on Sunday 5am right after the tunnel for speeding. I have a yuong family with two little kids. Was told the fine is Eur 45 and instructed to visit a nearby bank to pay the fine (Sunday at 5am!). Was never presented with a prove of any speeding or a formal traffic violation ticket. A van with local licence plates following our car was not stopped even though it was traveling at the same speed. The speed we had was 50km. The officer accepted a 20Eur bribe. As you can understand I am not going to be arguing under such circumstances and with two babies in the car.

Suggestion: I travel to and from Greece at least once a year. I have heard of this behavior but it has had never happened to me so far. I would be happy to pay more for toll rather than bribe corrupt traffic police.

Czech Republic
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