
corruption on the Macedonian border with Serbia

11:29 Oct 16 2015 Куманово

Опис на случката
##iOS My girlfriend and i were stopped on the border with Serbia on the 16th October 2015 at Around 10 30 , the border guard was tall slim build with black hair. and accused of not registering with police which our hotel had already done . The border guard who was not speaking in Macedonian or English but in broken serbisn said "morate platiti Kaznu Ili u sud idete " . You must pay me a fine or you will be Driven to Kumamovo put in jail and taken to court where you will be deported and banned from Macedonia. When I refused to pay the fine and explained to him that we stayed in a hotel that registers us he started to get rude and left then allegedly went to speak to his "chef" who told him to let us go. He then said you were very lucky because of the chef. I explained to him that the hotel had already registered us ! He was very rude ruined our time in Macedonia
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