
Corruption in X

18:09 Jan 24 2019 Кичево

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Good Afternoon,

I hope this email finds you in the best of mental and physical health. I have a question regarding corruption in Macedonia.
XXX, had land in X, Macedonia which was confiscated. Over the years X started the procedure to have the confiscated land returned.
After all the years X finally got the proper documentation's to have the land returned. The reason I am writing to you is in regards to a X by the name of X X who is appointed in the process of returning the land.
X has requested from me personally X years ago a X X in order to perform X duty to finalize the return of the land. I refused at which point X said that would like to go to X but that It was impossible to go. I said to X that I would pay for the X if X would finalize the documentation for the return of the land, which X agreed. It has been brought to my attention that X has not finalized the return of the land.

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Transparency International Macedonia (Feb 8 2019)
Respected, Thank you for your report. According to the allegations you have applied, it leads us to conclusion that probably you have provided Official decision for returning of property by X X authorized for this matters. But problem appears on the way of its implementation. In this regard, we need answers about the position of X. The act of bribery is a criminal act according to the Criminal code in Republic of Macedonia. If you are able to send us evidence like the X X you have mentioned, we can send request to the Ministry of Interior or to Public Prosecution in Republic of Macedonia. Also, if you are willing to, you can do that by yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact as again on our email: info@transparency.mk or our telephone number: 389 02 3217 000. We are at your disposal for disclosing and resolving any application related to corruption Best Regards,
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